No one expects to get divorced when they get married, but it happens all the time. A divorce is not a failure. It’s simply realizing that you are unhappy and making the necessary changes to prioritize your own emotional health. For couples with a significant amount of assets, a divorce can be considerably more complex. You may have to take extra steps to protect yourself and your net worth. A Clarksville high asset divorce lawyer can help you protect yourself.
When you get divorced, you are not just signing a piece of paper and moving on with your life. You are essentially disentangling your life from your spouse’s. Depending on the length of the marriage and the value of the marital assets, this process can be overwhelming and complicated. The legal team at Mathis, Bates & Klinghard PLLC can provide you with the necessary legal help to begin this process and help you protect what’s yours.
A high asset divorce occurs when the spouses seeking to end their marriage have accumulated a substantial amount of wealth and assets. A high asset divorce is traditionally far more complex, lengthy, expensive, and contentious than a regular divorce. The process largely involves determining who in the marriage owns certain assets and is entitled to take them. Asset division in a Tennessee divorce is done through equitable distribution, which seeks an equal split.
It is vital that you hire a lawyer in Clarksville who is experienced in handling high asset divorces. You need someone by your side who knows what needs to be done and can provide you with consistent legal assistance throughout your divorce case. It’s not uncommon for one spouse to try and hide assets from the other or even sell off assets in secret. The last thing you want is for your spouse to try to keep you from getting certain assets. A good lawyer can help you succeed.
The process for filing for a high asset divorce in Tennessee is not all that different from the process of filing for a regular divorce. Ultimately, the goal is the same. You want to end your marriage while still being able to keep most of your assets and paying your spouse as little as you possibly can. With the help of an experienced high asset divorce lawyer, this may be possible. Here are some of the important steps in the high asset divorce process:
A: The amount it costs to file for divorce in Tennessee is different depending on the county in which you are filing. No matter where you are filing, you are likely going to have to pay a filing fee. In addition, your divorce may cost you considerably more when you consider asset division and spousal support.
A: A high asset divorce is a divorce that occurs between two spouses who have a significant net worth between them that comprises various wealth and assets. When they get divorced, the process is particularly complex and expensive, as there is much more to consider. Financial advisors and lawyers may be involved.
A: When you are looking to hire a lawyer for your divorce, you need to look at Clarksville family law attorneys. Family lawyers often focus on divorce cases and can assist you in building a strong case. Depending on how contentious you expect your divorce to become, you may want to hire a divorce lawyer who has experience in litigation.
A: Lawyers don’t always drag out divorce cases, but the ones that do may do so for various reasons. They may seek to gain more evidence proving their client’s position. There may be specific complexities in your divorce that need to be addressed. It depends on the case. You should hire someone who doesn’t just want to drag your case out but will instead seek to resolve it promptly.
It can be infuriating and stressful having to deal with the fallout from a high asset divorce. It’s important that you recruit an experienced divorce lawyer to help you figure out a plan for your assets. The legal team at Mathis, Bates & Klinghard PLLC understands the kind of help you will need. Contact us to speak to one of our team members about your case.